
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Forest School

Here at Oasis Academy Short Heath, we value the importance of outdoor education. 

Forest School is an enjoyable, outdoor learning environment where the children are able to build on their self-esteem, confidence, independence and communication skills.

Children learn about their local environment and how to support the local wildlife. They make many crafts using natural materials and play lots of games, whilst sometimes getting wet and muddy at the same time (the most fun bit).

We are very fortunate, here at Oasis Academy Short Heath, to have our own Forest School Area.

Nursery to Year 2 go to our School’s Forest School space, on site, once a week for 4 – 6 weeks. This is with Mrs Shannon or Miss Richards, who are our Forest School Leads, and another member of staff and a small group of children.

Years 4 & 5 go to Sutton Park, in a minibus with Ben (who is a qualified Forest School practitioner from CET - Community Environment Trust) and a member of school staff. This is once a week for 4 – 6 weeks. 

The high adult to child ratio means children can safely experience a varied range of stimulating and engaging  activities. The experience is inclusive and mainly child lead. The children can be themselves, allowing them to splash around in puddles, collect sticks and other ‘treasures’ and make lots of exciting crafts. Individual interests are the basis of activity ideas to intend learning.

The natural environment provides a wealth of opportunity to expand young children’s leaning through their multi-sensory, exploration and adult supervised play.

Activities will include:

Tree climbing, Den building, team building activities, pond dipping and many more outdoor and adventurous activities.

Materials will include:

Mud, sticks, leaves, water, rope, mallets, trowels, buckets, tarpaulins, magnifying glasses and much more.

How will my child benefit from forest school?

They will get to experience the outdoor environment, learn the importance of boundaries, get to work with natural materials, will be taught how to use tools appropriately, will be encouraged to look after the outdoor environment and be able to build on their confidence, independence and self esteem.