Reception Admissions 2025/26
Reception Admission Arrangements for 2025/26
Parents/Carers must apply for a Reception place for their child through the Local Authority website:
Please note that children who have a place in our Nursery do not automatically move into our Reception classes.
Application deadline for 2025/26 admissions is on 13th January 2025.
The places for September 2025 will be issued by the end of April 2025
About our Academy
Oasis Academy Short Heath is an academy where all young people are given the opportunity they deserve to make excellent progress and fulfil their full potential. Oasis Academy Short Heath is a fully inclusive Primary academy, accepting children of all abilities, of any faith or none.
Admission number(s)
The school has a published admission number of 60 for entry in Reception. The school will accordingly admit this number of students if there are sufficient applications. Where fewer applicants than the published admission number(s) for the relevant year group are received, the Academy Trust will offer places at the school to all those who have applied.
Application process for a place in Reception class for September 2025
Arrangements for applications for places to Reception at the Academy will be made in accordance with Birmingham LA co-ordinated admission arrangements and will be made online.
Birmingham residents can apply online by visiting Birmingham LA website:
Residents live outside of Birmingham must make an application to their home Local Authority (where they pay their Council Tax).
Click here to see the admissions arrangements for 2025/26
Please contact Mrs Allen or Mrs Hayes on:
e: t: 0121 373 6056
Book a visit?
We always welcome visitors at our Academy, and schedule open days each year for parents and carers to come and see our home.
We are able to cater for parents and carers who are unable to visit on these days by special request. Get in touch with the school office today and we'll be pleased to arrange a date with you.
t: 0121 373 6056