
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Attendance and Punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality are essential if you are to succeed at the Academy, in fact research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and academic progress and achievement.

All students must make every effort to attend the Academy every day. However we accept that some students may become ill or have other genuine reasons for absence. Therefore we aim to ensure that no students’ attendance falls below 97%. If you are absent the Academy must be notified on the first day. A written explanation will need to be handed in when the student returns. Please note that the Academy will not authorise holidays taken during term times.

Illness, Accidents, Medicines and Signing out of the Academy

During the Academy day if, at any time, you feel unwell or have an accident you must inform a teacher straight away. If you require medical treatment your teacher will provide you with an exit note to go and see the Academy Medical Officer in the Medical Room. Here the Medical Officer will assess your condition and make a decision whether or not you can remain in the Academy. If you are being sent home, then the Academy will contact your parent/carer to make suitable arrangements.


If you need to take any form of medication at the Academy you need to bring a letter from your parent/carer explaining what the medication is for and when you need to take it. You will also need to show the medication in its original box or bottle to the Academy Medical Officer. Lastly, all medication should be taken in the presence of the Academy Medical Officer or a designated First Aider.

Is my child well enough to be at school?

The following are taken directly from the HEALTH PROTECTION AGENCY:

  • Sickness and diarrhoea: 48 hours absence from last bout. Contact school.
  • Head lice: Treated at home and return to school immediately. (NOT A REASON TO BE ABSENT)
  • Minor isolated coughs/colds/sore throats. (NOT A REASON TO BE ABSENT)
  • General unwell/tired. (NOT A REASON TO BE ABSENT)
  • Rash: Consult school and seek advice to possibly attend doctors.
  • Common illnesses:
  1. Chicken pox: Five days absence from the START of the rash.
  2. Hand,foot and mouth: NO ABSENCE NEEDED.
  3. Impetigo: Attend school after lesions have scabbed over or 2 days after starting antibiotics.
  4. Ringworm/Threadworm: Treat and then NO ABSENCE required.
  5. Slapped cheek: NO ABSENCE but inform school to protect pregnant /vulnerable members of staff.
  6. Conjunctivitis: Treat and NO ABSENCE needed.
  7. Tonsillitis: NO ABSENCE needed.

Absence Procedures

1. Check guidelines - can your child attend? if not....

2. Ring school:

0121 373 6056

before 09.30am

3. The academy will contact all parents/carers on the first day of absence. This will either be by telephone or a home visit. If we are unable to make contact, we may contact the police for a safe and well check. This could result in your child being registered as a missing child from education.