
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We have seen some fantastic results here at Oasis Academy Short Heath and are continually proud of the achievements of our students. Our young people show determination, perseverance and outstanding development in their progress.

We are therefore pleased to share with you our data from the year 2023-24.

Click here to download the data for our academy for the KS2 SATS 

EYFS & KS1/2 2023-2024

Percentage of pupils achieving expected levels in RWM 73%   
Percentage of pupils who achieved a higher standard in RWM 7%
Pupil's average score in the reading test 106
Pupil's average score in the maths test 105
Phonics Check Results 2023-24 77%






These achievements are a testament to the hard work and commitment of our students and dedication to good teaching from our team of teachers.